Monday 28 May 2007

Labour for the Lord is not in Vain!

I have read 1 Cor 15 many times and I have heard it preached several. Yet never have I thought about how Paul applies the great news of Christ's Resurrection and our bodily one. I have often missed the point of the passage. I have been more concerned with thinking over the Resurrection body or what indeed the last day may appear like. How foolish!

Paul states because Christ has been raised, we have a message to preach and faith in God is real and a tangeable reality. So therefore he says v31 "I die daily..." for the work of the Lord and then concluding the whole passage he states in v58 " therefore let nothing move you, always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour is not in vain."

The good doctrine which Paul teaches, leads in to follow and serve God with a wonderful freedom and vision.

Paul brings us back to the reality of the resurrection of Christ and then explains, that to work and labour and expend yourself because of that reality.

I think often the temptation for Christians can be to give up and doubt this message and be blown by many new theories and ideas. But no reality can be found anywhere else but in Christ and no humble service (no matter what it is) for him will be futile or wasted.

How therefore in every area of our lives must we seek to give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. For it is not in vain! For then he will say as he does in Matthew 25.21 " Well done my Good and faithful servant."

How this truth may stop us from realising this earthly life is all there is and propel us from our idle ways into heartfelt continual service for our Resurrected Lord!