Friday 23 February 2007

Do I blog so I don't have to do any chores?

All morning I have been procrastinating!! Setting up this blog seems a more legitimate excuse than my usual others, like I'm too tired or I forgot?

Must try and get on with tidying and sorting, oh the joys of half term!!!

have had a pretty busy one with my family arriving for a few days. It was great to see them. We watched NAcho Libre and Napolean Dynamite!! rent them - they are both excellent if a little surreal and bizarre!!

Jack Black is my new hero.

with songs lyrics like

" so forget about Hector,

his mustache is like a girls

i could rupture his intestine

with the inflection of my thigh"

it is a must see!!!!!!!!!!!!!


H said...

I think that the answer to your question is a resounding YES!! Happy blogging :-)

andrewdcourt said...

aren't you proud of husbonda's achievements this morning?

Stephen said...

Andy the Man! Howdy!

Glad to see you have taken the "plunge", or should I say "sprinkle" these days?

Good title.

Blogging's good. Just don't get all introspective on us. ("I'm so depressed/bored/pumped up/etc") Let's hear the news, thinking etc All should be good. Looking forward to it!


Ant said...

matey - you're back. Now turn the computer off for a bit and get on with that ironing!!

Stephen said...

Ant, I think the title is to keep reminding him to get in practice:

As ironing sharpens ironing...

and all that.

David Court said...

Andrew it is quite disconcerting to here of your arrival in the blogosphere. The merest hint that this blog may contain what is in your head at any given time certainly gives cause for concern!

However that being said I am looking forward to hearing and reading all about life in sunny Cardiff.

Why haven't you mentioned our encounter with the old man stopping the traffic to ask for help - an emergency? a crisis? a circumstance of peril and danger? No just unable to get Noel edmonds on the TV! I told the story to the school Assembly and many just wouldn't believe it!

Anyway, happy blogging! I'm sure it will sharpen you (and us) up!