Sunday 11 March 2007

Cardiff Mens Convention

My Brain Hurts.

I am in the process of surviving a weekend of talks and sermons by Prof Don Carson!
Yesterday, I went to the Cardiff Mens Convention. It was held in All Nations Christian Centre, here in Cardiff. Some 700 men descended from over 100 Churches in Wales and England to here Don and others on the title of Making Men Strong.

Don took a look at two passages from John's gospel and looked at doubt and failure. Thomas and Peter were his two examples. Both messages extolled Christ as the only one to save us and keep us in our Christian walk. If you want to get the tapes go to

During the seminar time I went to one all about reaching men for the gospel. It was excellent and run by a guy called Carl Beech. He has started and organisation called CVM "Christian Vision for Men. The premise of which is empowering men to be much more pro active witnessing and leading men to the gospel and witnessing in the workplace.

the two websites to check out are and

they are packed with loads of ideas about setting up blokes outreach programmes and how to show integrity in the workplace.

A statistic which was mentioned yesterday, hit me between the eyes! Carl said that of men who are led to the Lord, 93% of them are then able to lead the rest of their families to Christ! (Now quite where these stats come from I don't know) however, if it is to be believed surely it must alter how we do evangelism in the local church.??

Why is there such an emphasis on women and kids evangelism around the UK? If you win the man you invariably win the family! Think of all the women in our congregations who have an unbelieving husband - it is very rarely the other way about!!!!!!!

Church planters, WOW, Where should so much time and effort in evangelism be aimed, the blokes! Don't get me wrong, witness to the kids and young mums, but it seems that we as guys (me included) are stepping up to the plate and taking on the challenge and taking out the gospel message as we should!!

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