Thursday 1 March 2007

Christianity and the Curriculum

Recently, I have taken over a two day post teaching in a Primary School.

Whilst there I have been teaching RE.

The chosen topic which was given to me was on Baptism. Hmm, I thought, bit of a toughy for the class of year 3 pupils I have. It not an easy concept to relate to childern with no or very litttle Christian background? Anyway, I ploughed on.

The first worksheet I pulled out, on infant baptism, stated "When a child gets baptised, they become a christian."!

Today's lesson was a comparision of infant and adult baptism.

Here, the worksheet stated,

"The priest prayed that the water would wash away my old ways..."

Why are we teaching children in schools, facts about Christianity which are clearly wrong? No wonder the world does not know the truth about christianity, if in schools we are teaching what is blatantly wrong?

Who writes this stuff? We would not think of teaching wrong facts about Science or English, why then about Christianity?

1 comment:

Ant said...

dead right. It's shocking.